Melodies Book Club

I am grateful to the MANY great authors who took the time to put their wisdom into text.The books I have read have made me
into the person I am today. 

If you were to look at my past, I had many cards stacked against me.

My Mother and Father divorced when I was young. My Mother fought tooth and nail to keep a roof over our heads. We used food banks and I often wondered if I would have a home the next day as I laid down to sleep. My Mother faced several instances of cancer and preserved. My Father took his own life was I was 15. This took me on an interesting path and I ended up homeless on and off for 6 months in my early twenties. 

I do not share this to get sympathy. 

My life now is one of joy, abundance and wonderful relationships. 

I share this because it is the books below that helped me get here. Without them,
I do not know what would have become of me. 

I believe in the power of education but not in the traditional sense of higher education.

I believe in the power of being a life long learner that invests in themselves. This is a combination of self- awareness and seeking out knowledge.

Below I have organized the books that have made an impact on me. I’ve never regretted reading a book but I have certainly thought some books could have been PDFs. 

I’ve organized them in order of impact in each section. In many sections this was an incredibly challenging. I have kept it to my 6 top books for each section. As new books are published and I discover new books, I will update this list. 

Marketing & Sales

Attract more attention for your business 


Once you have a lead, convert more to buyers


How to lead a team effectively 


How to run a business and not hate your life


Be more effective with your time


Make and keep more money


Personal growth to become who you need to be.


Hiring and growing a team

What the ratings 1-3 mean


These books fundamentally changed how I see the world


Great read, impactful


Worth the read but you can probably skim it 

Marketing & Sales

Ready, fire, Aim by Michael Masterson
​Jeff Walker


​​Difficult Conversations 
​​​​​Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton & Sheila Heen
​​Getting T​o Yes
​​​​Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton
​Nonviolent Communication
​​​​Marshall Rosenberg
Super Communicators 


The Effective Executive 
​Peter F. Drucker
Landmarks of tomorrow 
Vivid Vison 
Leadership is communication – Robert I. Sutton. Huggy Rao
Dare to Lead – Brene Brown
Built to Last
Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras


Work the system – Sam Carpenter 
Conscious Capitalism
​John Mackey & Raj Sisodialeb
Liz Wiseman & Greg McKeown
The Lean Start Up
​​​Eric Ries
​ Greg McKeown
Built to Last
Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras


​The​ Now Habit
​Neil Fiore
Getting Things Done
​​​David Allen
​Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan
Atomic Habits (1)
Slow Productivity – Cal Newport
Built to Last
Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras


Profit First (1)
Mike Michalowicz
Think & Grow Rich (1)
 Napoleon Hill
The Lean Start Up
​​​Eric Ries
Give and Take
​Adam Grant
Built to Last
Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras


The Energy Bus 

The ​Power of Now
​Eckhart Tolle​​
Thank Again – Adam Grant
​​As A Man Thinketh
​​James Allen
Ask and It Is Given​
​​Esther Hicks & Jerry Hicks
Feeling is the secret – Neville Goddard


​​​​​Bradford D. Smart
​​​​​Daniel H. Pink
All In – Mike Michalowicz
Hidden Potential – Adam Grant
Liz Wiseman & Greg McKeown
Built to Last
Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras

Authors I LOVE

I will read anything these authors put out. 

Adam Grant
Tim Ferris 
Seth Godin
Mike Michalowicz

Neville Goddard
Louise Hay

Books I would take with a grain of salt

These are books I read that I found valuable at the time but upon looking back there were things in them that did not play out the way I thought they would have. They are worth mention because they did have an impact, sometimes it taught me what not to do. I would recommend different books over these ones now.

Foundations of online marketing and sales

These are not my favourite books on the subjects of sales and marketing, they are foundational. I don’t agree with all the styles, however it is like learning a language. You need to know the past in order to appreciate where we currently are.

Ask – Ryan Levesque 
Dan Kennedy 
Ryan Deiss 

Seth Godin
Mike Michalowicz

​Ryan Levesque
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