Business Tech Ninjas Blog

What is a Canadian Cancel?

A Canadian cancel is a member that has a payment failure and does not update their payment information. How is is different than a cancel? A Canadian cancel is a different data point you will want to measure. Data points to be tracking in your membership site: New members Active members AKA members that renewed

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How to stop KEAP Max Classic from sending out Invoices

Oh no! Someone got an invoice sent out after payment. The question is where is the checkbox to turn this off/on? As it happens there are several places that would be causing people to get invoices sent to them.  E commerce -> Settings -> Orders E commerce Setup -> Recipts -> Orders If the overall

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Tax Planner Before and After

Here at Business Tech Ninjas, we have the privilege to work with lots of really kick-ass businesses with amazing content. A large portion of our clients are businesses already knee deep in their membership site journey – they have members, they have content, they have a site that does an okay job, but they aren’t

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Stop the Timesheet Madness with Time-Tracking Software

Stop the Timesheet Madness with Time-Tracking Software Still using traditional paper timesheets and their accompanying honour system? Stop that madness! Ain’t nobody got time for that! Thanks to technology, we can improve all sorts of processes … like tracking work hours! Got employees? You should use time-tracking software. Got a desk in your home office

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Appointment Booking Software to Save Your Sanity

Appointment Booking Software to Save Your Sanity You’re busy. We get it. We’re busy, too, and we understand that scheduling appointments can be a real pain. But it doesn’t have to be. There’s a huge selection of appointment booking software to save you time, energy, and most importantly, sanity. But there are so many options!

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